I hate Justin Bieber. I know that everyone over 16 does and so that makes this extremely unoriginal but I started this blog to express my hatred for things or people that inspire so much anger and hate that it surpasses a reasonable level of irritation and develops into a full-blown ire. Thus, I cathartically (is that a real word?) proclaim that I hate Justin Bieber. He sounds just like a girl, actually kinda looks like a girl, he has that annoying head twitch meant to move his hair back into place, always tries to act like he's a pimp and from what I've heard in a couple of entertainment news reports, the kid's a total D-Bag! (douchebag). Funny aside; you can tell I have small kids cause I always try to abbreviate my profanity, ie: Eff=Fuck, D-bag, A-hole, etc. and a lot of times it's actually funnier to tell someone "Eff you" or "I hate that effin justin bieber!" than to say the whole word. Anyways, Bieber sucks, his music sucks, and he looks just like one of those small horses that aren't really ponies but genetically bred to be small except those horses actually are awesome and Bieber sucks. Bieber sucks, I rule.
Horseface Jones |
Good point and fine observations you make regarding this teenage horse girl.