Monday, February 7, 2011

Kogi Food Truck?! EFFIN' A MAN!!!

Okay, so if you live in Southern California, or you are a self-proclaimed foodie or you have and/or have watched Food Network in the last 2 years, then you are aware of the new-found food craze known as gourmet food trucks. No longer do we call them "roach coach" and one of the first trucks to really make a splash is called Kogi. Kogi specializes in fusion food, combining the flavors of Korean BBQ and Mexican food. The owner and founder is this guy named Roy, I think, who is Korean but grew up in East Los Angeles. For those outside of SoCal, East Los Angeles is a thoroughly Mexican neighborhood filled with very traditional Mexican food venues. Now, if any of my info is wrong, blame Food Network' Guy Fieri and that Goddammed Wikipedia. On a side note relating to Guy Fieri; not entirely sure I can trust a man who wears his sunglasses on the back of his head... seems like he's trying really hard to watch his own back...hmmmm.

So for the last 18 months I've been hearing from my LA-based friend how incredible Kogi is and how I have to try it. Yeah, this is the same friend who told me how fantastic the remake of Karate Kid was and well, no thanks. I'll take old-ass Ralph Macchio any day over Will Smith's daughter. (side conversation: "What??? That was a freakin' boy?! Wow!")Anyways, even without the incessant ball washing that my friend was giving to the Kogi menu, it would have been impossible to watch Food Network over the last year without seeing multiple profiles on Kogi's refreshingly delicious food offerings. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I started to get the feeling that there was no conceivable way it could be nearly as good as everyone was saying. I was experiencing Kogi backlash, which is almost like Bieber Fever except not as gay. Well, a couple of weeks ago, my same LA buddy invited me to the Lakers game, with a planned stop at the Kogi food truck. We park at Staples Center and walk the 5 blocks over to Hope St. I know, I know, the irony wasn't lost on me, believe it brother. We walk up to the truck and already I'm feeling disappointment. I just know that this is gonna suck. I order the 3 taco deal, which is 3 tacos and a drink for $7. I ordered 2 Korean short rib tacos and one spicy pork. My friend also orders a Kimchee Quesadilla, which sounds really not great but what the hell, I'm going down in a blaze of Korean fire. I think by the time my friend got his change back into his pocket, they were handing us food. Okay, good service. We walk over to a small brick wall and I put my food down and take a good look. Allright, just looks like normal Mexican carne asada tacos. Then I get a noseful....mmmmmmm. Doesn't smell like any taco I've ever had, and I'm Mexican. I smell soy and tanginess from the Kimchee and the richness from the Korean BBQ. Then I bite into a taco and KAPOW! It tasted like one of those great old Kung Fu movies. If Bruce Lee were a taco, he'd be a Kogi taco. Dynamic, original, lots of flavorful punch and absolutely perfect. I could not believe that not only did the food live up to the hype, it utterly supassed, smashed and obliterated any preconceived notions I had. It was the best taco I have ever paid for. Due to sentimentality and cultural loyalties, they can never be better than tacos made in the backyard by my grandma, rest in peace abuela. But, they are the only one I will eagerly pay hard earned cash for. Thank you Kogi, thank you Roy.

Oh yeah, the Kimchee Quesadilla was also freakin' badass. It was a quesadilla the way Cirque du Soleil is a circus. You're not sure what just happened, you just know it was awesome.

Viva El Kogi!